Jacob Bennett and Michael Dyrynda conquer a 14.5 hour time difference to talk about life as web developers

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The one with bubbly water

In this episode, Jake and Michael discuss the line between soda and bubbly water, Laracon AU, two-way SMS conversations, and the implications of not knowing maths as a...

The one with feature flags

In this episode, Jake and Michael discuss feature flags, particularly the freshly-released before hook, and the perils of incorrect eager loading as your application s...

JSON vs Polymorphism and editable index pages

In this episode, Jake and Michael discuss whether you should push polymorphism to the database or settle for a simple JSON field, and we discuss options for rendering ...

Music, feature flags, and making the new one do what the old one did

In this episode, Jake and Michael discuss music we're into at the moment, using Pennant for feature flags in Laravel, and the age old set of requirements: "it needs to...

The one about onboarding junior developers

Jake and Michael discuss bowling, onboarding new junior developers right out of college, and the mindset required to be able to teach people the very basics of program...

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