Type-safety, BladeX, and HTML emails

Jake and Michael return to discuss the introduction of further type-safety in PHP, BladeX, finite state machines, and rendering HTML emails.

Jake and Michael return to discuss the introduction of further type-safety in PHP, BladeX, finite state machines, and rendering HTML emails.

Thanks to Spatie for sponsoring our show.

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Creators and Guests

Jake Bennett
Jake Bennett
Christ follower, web dev designer @wilbergroup and @laravelphp fanboi. Co-host of @northsouthaudio and @laravelnews with @michaeldyrynda
Michael Dyrynda
Michael Dyrynda
Dad. @laravelphp Artisan. @LaraconAU organiser. Co-host of @northsouthaudio, @laravelnews, @ripplesfm. Opinions are mine.
Type-safety, BladeX, and HTML emails
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