Third annual North Meets South meets Dads in Dev meets TJ Miller meets Chris Gmyr Belated Christmas Extravaganza Podcast
Jake and Michael are joined by David and Andrew of the Dads in Dev podcast, along with TJ Miller (not the actor/comedian) and Chris Gmyr to wrap up 2018 and look ahead to 2019 #cashmoney
Jake and Michael are joined by David and Andrew of the Dads in Dev podcast, along with TJ Miller (not the actor/comedian) and Chris Gmyr to wrap up 2018 and look ahead to 2019 #cashmoney
This show was (not) recorded in front of a live studio audience.
Show links
- Laravel Nova
- David's Laracon AU talk
- Andrew's Egghead videos
- Webflow
- Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 strength program
- Adam Wathan on the Laravel Podcast
- APIs with Laravel
- Chris' 5 Minute Productivity
- Headspace
- Paul Redmond's 2017 year in review
- 5khaos
- Refactoring UI book
- Ralph Breaks the Internet
- Children of Time
- Radical Candor
- Furies of Calderon
- Making a Murderer
- American Pickers
- Black Panther
- Essentialism
- Practical Object Oriented Design in Ruby
- It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work
- Mister Rogers' Neighborhood
- Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood
- Lost My Name
- The Wondrous Road Ahead
- Petlandia
- Avengers: Infinity War
- Aquaman
- The Ranch
- Great News
- 30 Rock
Creators and Guests

Jake Bennett
Christ follower, software dev @wilbergroup using @laravelphp. Co-host of @northsouthaudio and @laravelnews with @michaeldyrynda

Michael Dyrynda
Dad. @laravelphp Artisan. @LaraconAU organiser. Co-host of @northsouthaudio, @laravelnews, @ripplesfm. Opinions are mine.